Wayne Morse Scholars FAQ

When can I apply for the Wayne Morse Scholars program?
We will begin accepting applications in late winter term.

Is this a scholarship?
No. This is a highly competitive two to three-year-long honorific program that does not provide significant funding. There are small stipends to support your practicum, scaleable based on need. In-person participation throughout the program is essential.

Who is eligible? 
Students from any discipline who have at least two full years remaining in their undergraduate program. That usually means students who will be sophomores or juniors in Fall Term.  

What if I’m going to be a senior this fall?
Seniors are not eligible. There are two exceptions:

  1. Rising seniors who have at least two full years left in their undergraduate education. This scenario applies to students who need an extra senior year to complete the requirements for multiple majors or minors and students attending school part time who will be completing their senior year over the course of two years;
  2. Students transferring in from a community college or university who will have at least one full year as a UO undergraduate.

Who should apply?
Students who have a demonstrated interest in politics, policy, legal issues, social justice, government, or public affairs should apply. The Wayne Morse Scholars program is committed to bringing together a group of students that represents a variety of backgrounds, identities, and perspectives. Successful applicants generally have a combination of strong academic credentials, significant extra-curricular activities and/or work experience, and a track record of service or a demonstrable commitment to causes. Some have a stronger academic record than others, some have more relevant life experience. The selection committee takes into account various forms of excellence. 

There is no specific GPA requirement, though the committee does look for students whose academics are strong enough that additional obligations will not become a liability.

Can I apply more than once?
Absolutely! The committee attempts to select Scholar cohorts that balance a diversity of qualities. If you are not selected one year, you certainly may be the next year.

Can I study abroad during my time as a Scholar?
Yes! Many Scholars study abroad for a term or during the summer. A few who enter the program as sophomores have studied abroad for a year. Bear in mind that to successfully graduate as a Wayne Morse Scholar, each student must take Democratic Dilemmas in fall term of their first year in the program and Democracy in Practice in spring term of their final year. If you have already committed to studying abroad this fall but wish to apply for the Scholars program, please contact us at the email address listed at the bottom of this page.

What is the time commitment?
The time commitment associated with the Wayne Morse Scholars program is relatively low, however there are a number of events and programs that are mandatory, as are two classes. Continued participation throughout the program is essential to maintain Wayne Morse Scholar membership.

Elements of the program include:

  1. Two required 4-credit Political Science courses: 
    Fall term of year one as a Scholar - PS 351 Democratic Dilemmas
    Spring term of senior year - PS 408 Democracy in Practice
  2. Lunch meetings on the first Friday of each month during the academic year.
  3. Trainings -- usually two or three per year, beginning with an orientation in Fall Term.
  4. One field trip per year.
  5. A practicum experience during your final year in the program or the summer immediately before senior year. This can include a relevant job or internship, a service project, or an honors thesis.
  6. Participation in a poster session in late spring term of your final year to present on your practicum.

What will I get out of this? 
First and foremost, you will get a community of passionate, engaged, intellectually curious colleagues with whom you can build a rapport and a durable connection that will carry on after you have graduated. You will get to dig deep into questions about democracy and citizenship; you will get practical career-focused training; you will meet thought leaders—elected officials, scholars, journalists, activists—who can serve as connections in a whole range of fields; and you will receive one-on-one mentoring.

What kind of references do I need for my application? 
At the end of the online application, you will be asked to provide the name and current email address for two references. At least one should be a university or community college instructor familiar with your academic work. If you are a first year student, you may need to ask a high school teacher. Once you click submit on your application, an email will be sent automatically to each reference asking them to complete a short online form, which includes a text box where they can share their thoughts with the selection committee. Your references can write as much as they'd like on your behalf, but these statements of support can be as brief as one paragraph. They do not need to write a formal letter of recommendation.

If this is your first times providing references, know that it is important to ask the potential reference whether they are willing to serve in this role and confirm their preferred email address.


Got questions? Please email Wayne Morse Center Program Specialist Ian Anderson (anderso9@uoregon.edu).