“Recently Arrived Adolescent Immigrant Students in Oregon Secondary Schools: Variation in Intake Policies and Procedures across Oregon School Districts”
Migrating and enrolling in school represent opportunities for many adolescent immigrant students. U.S. public schools, however, face numerous challenges in appropriately serving these students. Because education policies vary across states and districts, identifying successful practices is crucial. This research project is part of a larger mixed-methods study about policies that impact the academic and social development of these students from enrollment throughout secondary school. In this early stage of the research, I will examine the intake, assessment, and placement procedures and policies that a sample of Oregon school districts utilize when enrolling recently arrived adolescent immigrants. As schools gather information regarding students’ experiences, academic background, subject knowledge, linguistic knowledge, and educational goals, they make decisions that may profoundly impact the student’s educational pathway. This research seeks to understand the local policies that govern intake, assessment, and placement policies in order to account for the variations that exist across the state of Oregon.
Lorna Porter

Lorna Porter
2017-2018 Graduate Research Fellow, College of Education